The Making of " Material Friends"

Written by Glenxxx Pruxxxxxx


Material Friends....

What do you see?
Material Friends?
Let me repeat.

What do you See?
Look at wall.
And let me repeat.

What do you see?

Between the Distance of the wall and the distance it reach.

Don't cut you eyes.
I will Not repeat,

So what do you think.....Is really there?
Is it- Noting?
Is it -Air?
Is it -Space?
Is it- time?
Is it- atoms?

who really cares?

But this is what I think, this is what I see,, what I create
Material Friends- Nice to meet your acquaint.

Its noting and Everything- 4 Dimensional.
This is the creature i want you to think of, when you close you eyes and visually see.

So what do you see?---------



Part 2- Soon